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The Convergence of Alternatives with Traditional Allocations and Why It Matters


Whether investors want to believe it or not, alternatives are a mature asset class. Even in private equity—where there is still a healthy rate of new adopters—we are seeing a state of overcapitalization and reversion to a mean of relative performance. We have recognized this at SEI and maintain that exposures to alternatives should not […]

What the new SEC Private Fund Rules mean for Institutional Investors

There has been a lot of talk about how the new Private Fund rules will affect fund managers but very little discussion on the affect to institutional investors. The IMDDA has put together a great panel on this topic with frank and honest discussion.

AltsOps 2023: Day 1 – Private Markets

AltsOps is a two-day event, one private markets focused, one hedge funds focused, which is designed to provide alternative investment firm CEOs, COOs and middle and back office professionals with a forum to hear about the latest developments in the operational due diligence arena from leading investors and service providers. Day 1 on Wednesday, October 18th, is curated specifically for private markets firms.

AltsOps 2023: Day 2 – Hedge Funds

AltsOps is a two-day event, one private markets focused, one hedge funds focused, which is designed to provide alternative investment firm CEOs, COOs and middle and back office professionals with a forum to hear about the latest developments in the operational due diligence arena from leading investors and service providers. Day 2 on Thursday, October 19th, is curated specifically for hedge fund firms.

iConnections Global Alts 2024

The largest cap intro event in the world. Schedule face-to-face meetings with the allocators and managers you want to meet with the most.